Counterpart Photos




I hope that my photographs will capture a time in your life that you will treasure for the rest of your years. I hope the photos will serve as reminders of love, family, friendship, laughter, warmth, kindness and moments you wish to relive over and over.

I currently live in London with my Partner Guillaume, my daughter Margaux, my son Maxwell and our crazy bonkers working cocker spaniel Burtie.

Always, one of my favourite moments at the end of the day after I've tucked Margaux and Max into bed, and after a small victory celebration (and maybe a teeny glass of wine), I scroll through the photos I have taken that day, every now and then I go back a few days, weeks or even months, and sometimes I may go back to the day Margaux was born, or when Max arrived and it was no longer just Margaux, and then even to the time before they existed, reminders of life before Margaux and Max is so sweet, to see Guillaume and I unaware of how full our hearts would be and to look back on the first years of parenthood is truly special, to recall the stories, the moments of ups, the moments of downs, to see how far we have come together as a little family, those photos serve as wonderful reminders...

To be able to give the same to others, for me is a pleasure. Whether it's photographing the union of two families or your newest addition I promise you compassion and honesty in capturing all the little tender gestures and the moments in between...

I have been photographing weddings and portraits for 12 years, and six of those I also worked for fashion photographer Mario Testino, where I was involved in book projects and also oversaw the design, production and execution of exhibitions around the world. It was there I learned the importance and precision of what goes into a final printed and framed work. I was trained to deliver and present only the highest standard, the experience I will always be grateful for and it is an approach to work which is engrained within me. On the other hand, it taught me perfection isn't always best, and it has made me more aware of the real, raw beauty that surrounds us in unusual and quiet disguise.


